Monday, September 04, 2006

Italian Simplicity

August 31, 2006

I have always searched for the exact description, but fail. All i can say is its a way of life that a traveler can only taste the icing on the cake and not completely experience on their own.

Italians have great pride in simplicity with elegance. Its all about presentation, not the price of something. Its more about taking great pride creating, whether its food or art or whatever. They are passionate about life. They keep things simple in matters of food and enjoyment: "eat to live, not live to eat". (something perhaps many of us should take into consideration). Yet their passional for life can complicate things all on their own. Drama & excitement in matters of the heart, for instance. you can hear the passion in every vowel of every word they speak. They project feeling and emotion in their language. Much like the French, but less harsh on the tongue and ear.

I find myself drawn to their language... repeating... and at times making up my own words simply because the sound pretty. Mangare... Italiano.... Andiamos.... grazie.... giving it the same full bodied expression as the Italian natives.

I have almost worked up the nerve to grab a taxi into Rome, but not quite yet! I only wish i had a computer to write in my blog....


Anonymous said...

HIYA HONEY! Hope you're having a great time! They wouldn't let us bring back ANY liquids from Europe unles they were in our checked bags. No liquid purchases from duty-free, either. boo hoo Other than that, travel was e-z.

Have fun!

Anonymous said...

So true. You have captured the true quality of the people and culture.
It is truly magical and you have felt it.