Monday, September 04, 2006


August 31, 2006

My flight from NY to Brussells was amusing and frustrating. It just so happens that the power supply to the whole left side of the plane was not functioning. This meant... no light, when the lights went out.... no sound, when the movies were playing.... and no call button, when i needed the attention of a flight attendant.

Of course, I didnt sleep the whole flight, but a very nice German kid kept me company. We shared teh same sleeping issues apparently. He helped me find my way in the Brussells airport, which was no easy task. It took a half our to get from our arriving gate to our connecting departure gate. Despite the amusing difficulties, my flight from Brussells to Rome proved worthy as we gently soared above the Swiss Alps.

Although I took a picture from the plane, one cannot comprehend its beauty. I felt overwhelmed and humbled by Gods work (sorry, no appostrophes on European keyboards).

At the Rome International airport, I patiently waited 25 minutes for my luggage (my little backpack) and then found my ride. The woman asked my name and before i could answer, a handsome, older gentleman yelled out my name as if he has been expecting my arrival. "Si", I said. He reminded me of my Uncle Nestor... same face, smile, stature and jovial way about him. If i had been more awake, I probably would have thought to take a picture and tell him just that!

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